March 2025
EEA to return $1.82 million in capital credits to its members!
Capital credits to be retired as bill credits or mailed as checks during the March 2024 billing cycles. Empire Electric Association (EEA) will return $1,820,104.95 in capital credits to members.
Any revenue remaining after all expenses have been paid in a fiscal year are termed margins. Margins are allocated to members who took service from the cooperative during that fiscal year and placed into a patronage capital account in each member’s name. This capital, along with borrowed funds, is used to pay for needed improvements to EEA system infrastructure.
EEA invests the margins back into our system. It helps build member’s equity, reduces the amount of money EEA must borrow, and minimizes the interest charges we would otherwise have to pay. The margins allow EEA to maintain the highest level of system reliability while keeping rates as low as possible.
These margins are eventually returned to the members as capital credits. Each year, the EEA Board of Directors reviews the financial health of the cooperative and determines if capital credits will be returned. Capital credits are returned to members as soon as it is financially prudent to do so. Returning capital credits to our members is one of the many things that sets cooperatives apart from for-profit utilities. Since incorporation in 1939, EEA has returned over $41.1 million to its members.
Please be sure to keep your contact information up to date, even if you discontinue service with EEA, so that you can be contacted about future capital credit returns. If you have any questions about capital credits or any other cooperative business, please call EEA’s office at (970) 565-4444.
Click Here to choose how you would like to receive your Capital Credits.
This unclaimed capital credit list contains member names of those we are unable to contact. We want to return the capital credits they have earned. If you can assist us in tracking someone on the list, please give us a call at (970) 565-4444.