Empire Electric Association’s Board of Directors voted to change EEA’s Fee Schedule rate tariff at its January 14, 2022 board meeting. A $200.00 Distributed Energy Resource Application Fee and a $60.00 Distributed Energy Resource Re-Application Fee have been added to this tariff. The other fees noted in this tariff have not changed.
These new fees are designed to help recover EEA’s costs in processing distributed energy resource applications and reapplications. The Application Fee will be paid when a customer submits an application to interconnect a distributed energy resource. The Re-Application fee is only paid if an application has to be resubmitted due to incomplete data, design changes, or other factors. These fees were determined by estimating how much it costs EEA to process an average application and re-application.
The changes are scheduled to go into effect on May 01, 2022. Written comments about the proposed changes may be submitted electronically through EEA’s website or through hard-copies delivered to EEA’s main office. Hard-copies may be submitted by mail to P.O. Box K, Cortez, CO, 81321, or hand-delivered to EEA’s main office at 801 North Broadway, Cortez, CO, 81321. Additionally, verbal comments may be submitted during the member input segment of EEA board meetings.
For any questions about this notice and/or the proposed changes, please contact EEA at (970) 565-4444 or toll free at 1-800-709-3726. Copies of all tariffs are available on EEA’s website at Copies of tariffs are also on file at EEA’s main office and are available for inspection during regular business hours.