Heating and Cooling

In the majority of homes, heating is the largest energy expense.  In colder parts of the country, heating accounts for 36 percent or more of annual energy bills.  Depending on where you live, reducing the amount of energy used for heating may be your most effective way to lower your home's energy bills. 

Depending where you live in the country, cooling can account for a significant portion of your home's energy bill. In some souther climates, it can easily account for half, particularly in homes having air conditioning. 



In colder parts of the country, heating accounts for 36 percent or more of annual energy bills. Depending on where you live,  reducing the amount of energy used for heating may be your most effective way to lower your home's energy bills.

Heating systems basically replace heat that is lost through your home's shell.  They accomplish this by converting a fuel into heat that is transferred to the air of the living space.

How much energy your heating system requires to replace that heat depends on four factors: the climate where the house is located, the home's size, how energy efficient the house is, and how energy efficient the heating system is. You can't do much about the first two factors. Climate and size are not easily changed. However, you can do something about the last two, improving the energy efficiency of the home itself and specifically, its heating system.  

There are a variety of heating systems and combinations of systems used in homes. They can be classified either by type of fuel used or by the mechanism used to distribute the heat throughout the home.

Central heating systems have three basic parts: the heating plant where fuel is converted into heat, a distribution system for delivering heat to where it is needed, and controls to regulate when it operates.

Central Heating Systems
Common Fuels Common Distribution Types
Electricity Base board/radiator
Natural gas/propane Forced air/gravity
Heating oil Hot water/steam
Wood, coal Radiant (floor/ceiling)


In the hot areas of the country, cooling can account for a significant portion of your home's energy bill.  The type of cooling system and how it is used play a major role in determining energy use but the home's characteristics and the resident's personal needs factor in as well. Fortunately, air conditioning technology continues to advance and increases in efficiency and effectiveness. 

With every whole house or mini-split system it is recommended to get the system sized and installed by a reputable contractor. Check out Empire Electric's rebates programs.

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