
This page is the best place to find out everything you need to know about EEA's rate structure change that took place on September 1, 2021. If you can't find what you are looking for here please contact us

When the new rate structure took effect on September 1, 2021, all accounts were changed to the Time of Use Demand (TOUD) rate unless you requested to be on another available rate.

Members are allowed to change their rate any time after September 1, 2021. After the first rate change, a member must remain on the same rate for a minimum of 12 months in accordance with EEA's Rules and Regulations.

If you are on a Residential, General Service Single Phase, Irrigation Single Phase, or Irrigation Three Phase rate and would like to choose a different rate, please log in to SmartHub and make the rate change request there.

TOU Times

Check the Hour

Rate Comparison Tool

Compare the Time of Use Demand and All Energy rate for your home or business. You will need to know your on-peak kWh, off-peak kWh, and distribution demand to use the calculators.

Note: The web-based tools are for basic analysis and are provided to help members make an informed rate choice. It does not include Franchise Fees or taxes and is not designed to replicate our billing engine. Rapid changing of input data may trigger security controls that will lock your access to our website.

Echoes of the Empire Articles on the Rate Structure Change

Cuando Y Cuantos? February 2021

New Rates Finalized for September Implementation April 2021

Mission Focused May 2021

If you are interested in the information covered in the rate forums held in April and May, you can see a copy of the presentation at the link below: 

Rate Forum Presentation